Residents’ chance to have say on budget cuts

PEOPLE in Barnsley are being asked to give their views on how the cash-strapped council can save £46.5m over the next four financial years.

This comes after a similar consultation was launched in Sheffield, with leader Julie Dore sending a letter to every resident in the city asking for their suggestions on how to make budget cuts.

In Barnsley, savings of £22.5m have already been found, but further savings of £24m need to be made before 2015.

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A spokesman for Barnsley Council said: “As the council starts to look at proposals for the second year of savings, 2012 to 2013, residents are being invited to tell us their views on a number of proposals by completing an online survey.

“The online survey looks at proposals on making the council more efficient, environmental regulation and enforcement, grass cutting and gardening, roads and footpath repairs, adult social care, services for children and young people and ‘MiCard’.

“Clicking on the ‘service cuts and you’ banner on the front of the council’s website at will take people to the online survey.

Residents who don’t have access to the internet can visit their local library, where staff will be available to help them complete it. Comments are welcome by Monday, January 16.”

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The spokesman added: “To further inform people about these proposed service savings and what effect they may have on them as service users, a four-page supplement has been produced.

“Copies are available online via the ‘service cuts and you’ banner and hard copies are being distributed to 25 public council buildings, including libraries and Barnsley Connects offices.”

In Sheffield, meanwhile, faced with having to cut up to £57m in 2012/13, and more in following years, the Labour authority said it wanted to hear the views of local people before making its decisions on the cuts.