Philip Davies reveals his no confidence vote in Boris Johnson but urges Tory MPs to unite behind PM

Philip Davies has said his fellow Tory MPs should "accept the result" after Boris Johnson narrowly won a confidence vote.

The MP for Shipley, who confirmed he was among the 148 MPs to vote against the Prime Minister on Monday night, told Times Radio: "As far as I'm concerned the Prime Minister won the vote fair and square. We've now got a duty to get behind him and actually bring the party together to help us reconnect with the British people."

Mr Davies said: "It is no secret that I have been very critical of some of the Government's policies - particularly the high-tax, high-spend and restricting people's freedoms. That was certainly a factor in my vote.

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"I also worried that the Prime Minister had lost the trust of too many people around the country. They were the factors in my vote."

Mr Davies said while the 148 MPs who voted against Mr Johnson was a "high number", the result should be accepted.

"We have our rules, we are democrats, we had a vote last night. I hated those people who wouldn't accept the result of the EU referendum because it went against them. I'm determined I'm not going to replicate them.

"People like to characterise everything that you are either 100 per cent in favour of the Prime Minister or if you voted against him, you are 100 per cent against the Prime Minister. I'm not, many of my colleagues aren't. There are many things that I support the Prime Minister on and are happy to support the Prime Minister about.

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"It is always wrong to characterise that you are totally in favour or totally against. I don't think anyone is in either of those camps to be totally honest."

Philip Davies was among the 148 Tory MPs to vote against Boris Johnson's leadership last night.Philip Davies was among the 148 Tory MPs to vote against Boris Johnson's leadership last night.
Philip Davies was among the 148 Tory MPs to vote against Boris Johnson's leadership last night.

Mr Davies said he did not believe Mr Johnson now needs to resign.

"We had the contest, we have rules. Under the rules, he won the contest fair and square. It is inevitable that any leader of the big parties will have people who don't support them from time to time.

"So no, I don't ask for the Prime Minister to resign. I don't think there is any reason why he should do. I think what I do ask is my colleagues who voted the same way as I did last night accept the results of the vote and that we now unite as a party and actually develop policies that will actually connect with the British people - good Conservative policies like cutting people's taxes."

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