Brackley Park, Hull: Body found by railway line in Yorkshire identified as man who went missing in 2009

British Transport Police have identified the body of a man found beside a railway line in Hull as a pensioner who went missing in 2009.

Former Hull City Council parks worker Michael Conboy vanished from his home on Saxcote in north Hull in April 2009, with his last contact with his family being a phone call with one of his sisters.

He was in good health before his disappearance, and regularly met friends in the city centre and socialised with his three sisters and brother, though he had been left ‘confused’ by a viral infection.

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Human remains thought to be at least seven years old were found in Brackley Park, east Hull, near a line leading to the docks, in December and BTP put out a description of the man’s clothing and possessions in a bid to trace him.

Michael Conboy went missing in 2009Michael Conboy went missing in 2009
Michael Conboy went missing in 2009

A British Transport Police spokeswoman said: “Detectives from British Transport Police have now identified a person after human skeletal remains were found on a railway embankment in Hull. On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, officers were called to reports of human bones found near Brackley Park in Hull.

"These have now been identified as the remains of Michael Conboy who went missing in 2009 when he was 81.

"Following a media appeal, a member of his family recognised some of his possessions and got in touch with detectives. DNA enquiries have confirmed his identity.

"Detectives do not believe there were any suspicious circumstances to his death but are continuing their enquiries to establish how he came to be at the location, and how he died.

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