Bradford Council fiasco on children's services show whole system needs reform - The Yorkshire Post says

That Bradford Council chief executive Kersten England considered but ultimately decided against resigning her position following the barbaric murder of Star Hobson puts her on a one way path.

Ms England told an Education Committee she “frequently” thought about standing down from the authority and that she took responsibility for the slaying of the 16-month-old given it happened on her watch.

However she further advised MPs that taking responsibility was also about staying in post to take responsibility for putting things right.

This sets the CEO a significant challenge.

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Earlier this year, Bradford Council was stripped of control of children’s services after a review found the council “lacked the capacity and capability to improve services at pace on its own” and an “alternative delivery model” was needed.

That the responsibility for improving this unit no longer falls under her purview removes any responsibility for fixing its failings.

And given the scale of the challenge in making it fit for purpose, it may well be some time before it is handed back to the authority.

But the failings at Bradford Council are not unique.

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel is on record in saying the way child protection is approached in England needs to “change fundamentally”.

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The brutal killing of Star is far from an isolated incidents but reflective of wider problems with poor information sharing and weak decision-making.

Concerns flagged to authorities about mistreatment are too often disregarded and not properly investigated.

A multi-agency approach to remedying this appalling situation is required and it should be treated as a top priority.

The safety of too many vulnerable children depend on it.