Free laptops and internet access for 270,000 families

FREE laptops with broadband internet are to be provided to more than a quarter of a million low-income households in a bid to boost exam results and job chances, Gordon Brown said yesterday.

The Prime Minister said the 300m project would see every family in the country linked to their children's schools to access reports on attainment and behaviour.

As well as helping pupils with homework, trials of the scheme had also helped single parents find work and keep in touch with friends, Mr Brown said at a forum in London.

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"We want every family to become a broadband family, and we want every home linked to a school. For those finding it difficult to afford

this, today I can announce the nationwide roll-out of our home access programme to get laptops and broadband at home for 270,000 families,"

he said.

"It will mean all families can come together, learn together and reap the rewards together."

The move is designed to meet a "guarantee", contained in legislation being debated by MPs yesterday, that all parents will be able to access school reports about their children online.

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A spokesman from the Department of Children, Schools and Families said

there was no evidence from pilot schemes that laptops had been stolen, and dismissed it as a "theoretical risk".

They added that parents have to sign legally-binding forms to get the equipment and that action will be taken against anyone who abuses the system.