Bempton Cliffs: Stunning pictures show Yorkshire coast coming alive as puffins, gannets and guillemots build nests

The Yorkshire coast is alive with the sound of seabirds – and there’s no better place to witness it than Bempton Cliffs.

Around 500,000 seabirds head to the Yorkshire coast from March to begin nesting and raising their young. Birds such as puffins, gannets, razorbills and and guillemots all make Yorkshire’s stunning cliffs their home for the spring summer months – forming of the UK’s top wildlife spectacles.

Thousands of people visit Bempton Cliffs each year to catch a glimpse of this amazing spectacle. Take a look through our picture gallery so you can see from the comfort of your own home.

Press Association photographer Danny Lawson headed to the cliffs this week and captured some beautiful pictures of the birds.

While seabirds have been nesting on these cliffs for countless generations, the reception they receive from human visitors has changed greatly from the past. While the pleasure cruises along the base of the towering cliffs are as much loved today as they were in the Victorian era, our 19th century counterparts were more interested in killing the birds than helping to protect them.

Bempton Cliffs is one of Yorkshire’s most popular wildlife attractions, and 2022 saw the visit of Albie the albatross, who is the only albatross in the Northern hemisphere. Albie, who has a wingspan of over 2.4m, has been living in the Baltic Seas around Denmark and Germany since 2014 after being blown off course from the South Atlantic oceans.

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