Police officers accused of submitting false witness statements about ‘bat attack’

Two Humberside Police officers could be sacked after they were accused of writing false witness statements which claimed a man had attacked them with a bat.

PC Gary Kendrew and PC Mollie Brooks have been charged with gross misconduct and they will face a disciplinary hearing, which is due to begin on Thursday, at the force’s headquarters in Hull.

According to the force, they made statements “which they knew to be false or did not believe to be true” after they confronted a man during an incident in Grimsby, in June 2021.

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In their statements, PC Brooks said the man raised a bat “in an aggressive motion” and swung it at them. PC Kendrew said the man “lunged towards” them with the bat.

The officers have been charged with gross misconductThe officers have been charged with gross misconduct
The officers have been charged with gross misconduct

At the hearing, the officers will also be questioned about several other allegations.

PC Brooks has been accused of “inappropriately” sharing confidential information on a social media chat group and accessing records on the force’s confidential system “without authority or a policing purpose to do so” in the summer of 2021.

PC Kendrew has also been accused of failing to take the appropriate action when a woman reported an assault to him in Scunthorpe in August 2021.

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According to the force, he “took no action to identify the female, establish the details of what happened or identify the potential suspect”.

Shortly after the incident PC Kendrew allegedly took a man to the ground and restrained him, but did not formally arrest him.

“The officer allowed the male to walk away without having recorded any details regarding his identify, nor did the officer submit a use of force form detailing his actions,” the force said.

“A short time later the officer arrested (the) male member of the public but failed to caution him adequately.

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“Instead, the officer said to him ‘you do not have to say anything but harm your defence blah blah, something about court, off you f***’.

“Furthermore, the officer failed to record or report this arrest taking place, or the identity of the male being arrested.

“The officer repeatedly used foul language, specifically, the word ‘f***’ and the term ‘f*** off’ to members of the public and in circumstances where the use of such language was unnecessary."

If the allegations are proven at the disciplinary hearing, which is due to last one week, the officers could be dismissed by the force.