Campaigners reveal brand leaders among litter louts

LITTER louts are most likely to dump Coca-Cola cans, Cadbury wrappers and Walkers crisp packets, a survey has revealed.

The branded packaging was found strewn across parks, beaches and river or canal banks during a national litter-picking exercise.

Volunteers scooped up more than 37,000 pieces of rubbish in the latest Keep Britain Tidy campaign,more than 10 times the quantity picked up in previous years, according to the charity. The brands most frequently dumped were Coca-Cola and Cadbury. They were followed by Walkers, McDonald’s, Mars and Red Bull.

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Phil Barton, chief executive at Keep Britain Tidy, said: “These results should be a wake-up call that we all need to do more to love where we live. Litter is not just an environmental problem.

It affects perceptions of safety and costs Government nearly £1bn a year to clean up.”

He said the survey “gives 37,000 reasons why we all need to do more to make littering socially unacceptable – to reduce the environmental, social and financial costs of this national problem.”