Why the Fox & Hounds at Starbottom is everything a traditional pub should be

I’ve a friend who lives in Starbotton – she’s the wife of my former boss, who we sadly lost some years ago.

Now and again I fetch up and she and I sit and gas for England with endless cups of tea and reminisce about happy days gone by.

She’s not a drinker but we did once venture to the village pub, only to be growled at so we turned on our heels and scarpered. I’m not saying it was like walking into the Slaughtered Lamb, but … it’s a different story today.

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In 2017 a local couple Karen and Ian had the crazy idea of buying a pub with no experience in the business at all. About a year into the venture chef Dan joined the team.

Fox and HoundsFox and Hounds
Fox and Hounds

Having trained at some of the best restaurants in Yorkshire, he brought new ideas and 'proper' Yorkshire cooking with him. The next five years were eventful.

A lot of hard graft was put in: a new kitchen in 2018, a complete renovation of the guest accommodation and a facelift for the outside in 2020 including a new roof. Shelley joined the team, bringing with her years of experience in the industry and it soon became clear that she and Dan were more than work mates.

They married in the pub in January, Ian and Karen retired so say hello to your new landlord and landlady. What a special pub it now is – still deeply traditional but in all the right ways. Smartly white-washed it shows off its 17th century charm to best advantage; bask in the sun on the south facing patio.

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Inside, find flagged floors, a stone fireplace with roaring coals at one end and a wood stove at the other - in between, copper pans, comfy chairs, oak settles and a dart board. An appealing menu features the likes of sausage and mash, ham, egg and chips and a ploughmans.

In the evening it goes up a notch with Barnsley chop, steaks and ‘trio of Yorkshire pig’.

Great beers too: Yorks W R Craven Bitter from Dark Horse Brewery, Wharfedale Brewery’s Blonde, Semer Water from the Wensleydale Brewery and Mild from the Lamb Brewing Company in Litton.

Fox & Hounds, Starbotton, BD23 5HY
