Receivers appointed at The Alhambra Shopping Centre in Barnsley

The Alhambra Shopping Centre in Barnsley town centre.The Alhambra Shopping Centre in Barnsley town centre.
The Alhambra Shopping Centre in Barnsley town centre.
Receivers from strategic real estate advisor Avison Young have been appointed over The Alhambra Shopping Centre, in the heart of Barnsley town centre.

The 182,000 sq ft purpose-built scheme was completed in 1991 with approximately 40 retail units arranged around a central atrium. Anchor stores include Wilko, Primark and Iceland.

Andrew Foster, principal at Avison Young, said: "The appointment will have no operational impact on the tenants or shoppers, and the centre will continue to trade as normal.

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"Our immediate priority is to make sure the Centre has a successful Christmas period. We will be exploring how we can enhance the centre in the medium term, including strengthening links with the neighbouring Glassworks scheme to continue the revitalisation of the town centre.

"Ultimately, we will be looking to sell the property to a new owner with a view to making a lasting mark on the town and its surrounding communities. This is a prime site in the heart of the Barnsley retail district. The opportunities that this site presents are immense and would further enhance the rejuvenation of the town."


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