YP Letters: When will Tories see the light and dump Theresa May?

Should Theresa May be ousted as Prime Minister?Should Theresa May be ousted as Prime Minister?
Should Theresa May be ousted as Prime Minister?
From: R Hemingway, Monkbridge Road, Meanwood, Leeds.

FROM day one, Theresa May’s premiership has blundered on causing embarrassment and major concerns to all and sundry.

The latest abomination being Universal Credit which has been strongly criticised by all parties, including the Tories (The Yorkshire Post, October 16). The PM recently stated that austerity was over. I doubt that the people on this benefit would agree.

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And the Brexit fiasco gets even worse. An unbelievable aspect of Brexit is that our negotiations are not being conducted by a member of the Cabinet but by Olly Robbins, a civil servant.

Mr Robbins is, like Theresa May, an avid Remainer. He has no political experience and is no match for Michel Barnier.

Another crazy decision by a PM who has completely lost the plot. The PM won’t admit that Chequers is dead and consequently there will be more fudges. Let’s hope Parliament will reject any offer which keeps us permanently tied to the EU. I am sure most people have had enough of the stubborn, inept and incompetent PM. When will the Tories see the light and dump her?

From L Brook, Rothwell, Leeds.

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THE consequences of leaving the EU are not a factor in the result of the referendum vote which is to leave with no reference to the consequences.

Nobody knows the full consequences, but none are worse than losing all control of our country to become a fully controlled state in the United States of Europe. The talking should never have started, it merely illustrates the personal and vested interests of some government officials to override democracy, and such selfishness makes them not fit for purpose.

From: Nigel Boddy, Fife Road, Darlington.

THE referendum raised more questions than it answered. No one asked us if we wanted to leave the EEA. Every politician has expressed dissatisfaction with the answers every other politician has come up with.

Britain is in serious trouble. Is this really the time to distract everyone away from our real problems and embark on a project like leaving the EU?

From: PJ Doyle, Wakefield Road, Pontefract.

THE future is a no deal Brexit, a united Ireland and a much awaited and long overdue independent England. Get used to it.